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This Toolkit will support the experts working with young people aiming towards their training and further development in the areas of ESL prevention and intervention.

The Toolkit will also include a course of action for the experts to prevent the development of youth behaviors that could lead to early school leaving and intervention actions for youth classified as ELET to prevent, remedy and reduce the Early School Leaving phenomenon.

The Expert Programme Toolkit will be divided into two parts and the contents of each part will be adapted according to the needs, objectives and capacity of the end-users:

The first part is focusing on Prevention and on the experts, teachers and educators, working with the 1st youth target group (14-18) of the project.

The second part will focus on Interventions for Early Leavers from Education and Training and on the experts (youth workers, trainers etc.) working with the 2nd youth target group (18-24, currently ELET) of the project.


It is addressed to the 1st youth target group of the project (youth 14-18). The main aim of the “Journey to your Future” game will be to identify, through a youth-friendly online gaming environment, those youngsters (14-18) who are at high risk of engaging in the phenomenon of early school leaving. The user will be choosing through pre-determined options on how a specific story should proceed. According to each choice, the tool will be in the position to determine the relevant norms and predispositions of the user. After the completion of the game, a relevant report will be developed for the expert (educator) indicating the results and proposing at the same time which learning path should be followed within the Experts Programme Toolkit (O1).

IO2 User guide for experts_ENG

IO2 User guide for experts PL

IO2 User guide for experts_PΤ

IO2 User guide for experts – GR

IO2 User guide for experts IT

IO2_User guide for experts ES



It is addressed to the 2nd youth target group of the project (youth 18-24). The main aim of the ICT tool for Competence Assessment will be to ensure diagnosis of the competencies of current Early Leavers from Education and Training (18-24), identification of the needs of the specific target groups that need to be addressed in order to enable them to continue on viable progression pathways. The user will be choosing through pre-determined options of statements. According to each choice, the tool will be in the position to determine the relevant norms and predispositions of the user.

IO3_User guide for experts EN 

IO3_User guide for experts ES 

IO3_User guide for experts GR 

IO3_User guide for experts IT 

IO3_User guide for experts PL 

IO3_User guide for experts PT


The On-line educational platform will serve as an open education digital platform for the provision of the training material developed throughout the project. Through this digital platform, trainings will be conducted more efficiently, by overcoming physical and time limitations. Moreover, the platform will support equal access to good quality education as everyone will have access to the training material and resources. The developed materials will be uploaded into different sections of the platform, according to the target group ; further materials for studying – including interactive sources will be able to be included in the platform, within each module. In addition, a blog section will be available so as for all users across EU to be able to communicate directly and interact, sharing knowledge and experiences.

IO4_User guide for experts EN 

IO4_User guide for experts ES 

IO4_User guide for experts GR 

IO4_User guide for experts- IT 

IO4_User guide for experts PL

IO4_User guide for experts PT

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